For San José – Evergreen Community College District (SJECCD) Trustee Area 3

Tony Alexander

A pragmatic Leader For The Next Generation

Tony is President & CEO of JW Consulting group. He currently serves on
the San Jose Jazz Board. Tony, the former & Political Director & assistant
to the President for United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) Local 5,
the largest private sector UFCW union in Northern California, retired in September 2015.
He is a founding member of  Taxi San Jose, past Board member San Jose Conservation
Core and past Board member African American Community Service Agency.
  • Political Ideology: Democratic Party
  • From: San Jose, CA

Political & Pro. Career

Tony's political and professional career speak for themselves

Tony's Education


Joseph George Middle School


James Lick High school


San Jose City College


San Jose State University
“I never considered a difference of opinion in politics, in religion, in philosophy, as cause for withdrawing from a friend.”

Tony is the 1st Executive Vice President of the UFCW Minority Coalition. He is the past Chair of the Labor & Industry committee California State NAACP. Tony is the President Silicon Valley African American Democratic Coalition, Past President San Jose Silicon Valley NAACP, he was a former elected Trustee Alum Rock union school district from1995-98 and served as its Board President in 1998.

Tony Alexander


With your support of my re-election, I will work tirelessly to advance our District’s success in preparing students to transfer to a university, or to enter the workforce by providing viable school-to-career options and enhancing student employability skills that lead to successful careers in Silicon Valley and beyond.

My years of service on local community, education, and non-profit boards including the NAACP, San Jose Conservation Corps, and the Alum Rock School Board, along with my history with the San Jose/Evergreen Community College District as a former student and current trustee, gives me the necessary skills and perspective to represent and advocate for our District’s students, staff and the residents of SJECCD Trustee Area 3.

Please join Senator Dave Cortese, Assemblymembers Ash Kalra, Alex Lee and Evan Low, County Supervisors Cindy Chavez and Otto Lee, San Jose City Councilmembers David Cohen, Sergio Jimenez, Maya Esparza and Silvia Arenas, school board trustees Lorena Chavez, Marisa Hanson, Corina Herrera-Loera ,Leila Welch, Wendy Ho and community leaders Delores Alvardo, Jesse Singh, Jeremy Barouse, Dr. Harriett Arnold, former Congressman Mike Honda, Julie Rameriz, Bob Nunez and Craig Mann in support of my candidacy.



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